Residential Carpet Cleaning Services
in Canonsburg, PA & Surrounding Areas
Restoring Peace of Mind®

ServiceMASTER by Zupancic Offers the Best in Carpet Cleaning Services
Nothing says clean quite like fresh carpet, spotless upholstery, and gleaming floors. That is why ServiceMASTER by Zupancic offers only the best carpet and floor cleaning services in the Canonsburg, PA, area. Our team works to your specifications and to guarantee we do the job right the first time, or we do it over. Call us today at (724) 745-4980 or (412) 833-8111 to schedule an appointment, or contact us online.
How ServiceMASTER Cares for Your Carpets
No other item in your home absorbs more and can affect the appearance of your home like your carpets. To maintain your carpets’ appearance, they should be professionally cleaned every six to 12 months. Unlike professional cleaning, most rented carpet cleaning equipment leaves carpet wet with detergent residue. At ServiceMASTER, we have the equipment and the expertise to remove dirt, detergent, and moisture resulting in a cleaner carpet.