Biohazard Cleanup Services
in Canonsburg, PA & Surrounding Areas
Restoring Peace of Mind®

ServiceMASTER are the Area Experts of Biohazard Cleanup
We are a leader in biohazard cleanup services and property damage restoration in the Canonsburg, PA, area. ServiceMASTER by Zupancic understands that time is critical when emergencies and disasters occur in the Pittsburgh region. ServiceMASTER by Zupancic’s biohazard waste disposal services and biohazard property restoration services can get your property back to normal when a biohazard emergency happens. ServiceMASTER by Zupancic’s employees are highly trained to handle all types of biohazard waste disposal. Our services range from suicide, homicide and accidental death cleanup to sewage cleanup and sanitation services. Call ServiceMASTER by Zupancic for emergency clean up at (724) 745-4980 or (412) 833-8111.